Hey Mama and Mamas to be! I SEE you, whether you're struggling to have that precious babe that you know has been destined for you, or you are holding that miracle in your arms. I have been in both places with you. I know the fear, the mayhem, the isolation, the overwhelm, but hear me now. On the other side of this, are INSPIRATIONAL moments, even MIRACLES that you are about to experience. It takes a mindset shift, a new perspective, it takes walking through motherhood with the faith, and belief that you ARE enough JUST as you are, with what you have, to really step into this brand new life that is waiting for you. Through STORIES from mamas just like you, EXPERT guidance, SELF-CARE tips, MINDSET hacks, pep talks, taking the time to GROW, and operate from a full cup, you will begin to make the transformation from messy to truly inspired. So, dry off the breast-pad, wipe off the barf, its Mama time.
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
11 // Miscarriage Sucks, Period - My Second Loss
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Multiple miscarriages as an already established parent is an interesting experience. Somehow this pain "should" hurt less, because you already have a child. The truth is it doesn’t matter and while you are so very thankful for your child, it doesn't make it hurt any less. I believe more than ever we devalue our own pain and allow others to do so, without correction. Everyone's pain is of their own and isn't to be judged or made small by comparison. I tell this story to let you know it counts, it's real, and that you deserve to feel these emotions fully.
In this episode I speak to the multiple loss realities, reveal the not so comforting words given with good intentions, and speak the raw truth of what these moments feel like when walking them.
If you related to this in some way, please share, subscribe, review ! It means the world!
All the love,
Want to share your own story? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVgRxfI1Y5oqzxcPgp6yCAC8eQ1xDDUtdWT2OXylKNqRWPwg/viewform?usp=pp_url
FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mamainspiredcollective
IG: @mamainspiredpodcast
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
12 // Exposing the Hidden Truth of Early Miscarriage with Erica Seifert
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
When you find out you've experienced an early miscarriage it's scary. You have to make choices on how to move forward and are faced with so many questions. Many of us find ourselves googling non-stop and simply looking for resources to help us understand what is happening. In today's interview, Erica Seifert shares her own miscarriage story and together we swap experiences. We approached this conversation as an opportunity to share, educate, reassure, and simply offer perspective.
You will hear about Erica's infertility journey to her first born and about her second conception journey to her current pregnancy. We discuss the importance of clicking with your doctor, choosing a method of medical miscarriage, and our failed experiences with genetic testing.
Please note we are not doctors and are truly hoping our experience will offer enlightenment and minimize the mad googling.
Part two of this conversation will air 10/29. If this episode was helpful or you found yourself relating, please subscribe, share, and leave a review! It means the world!
All the love,
Want to share your own story? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVgRxfI1Y5oqzxcPgp6yCAC8eQ1xDDUtdWT2OXylKNqRWPwg/viewform?usp=pp_url
FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mamainspiredcollective
IG: @mamainspiredpodcast
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
13 // BONUS ! Mama Moment: Restore Patience and Love
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Today I am bringing you a guided Mama Moment. We've touched on this in prior episodes, but if you are new here I am going to fill you in. A Mama Moment is a few minutes taken in a day to de-escalate any negative emotions, release tension, restore calm, and rejuvenate your loving spirit. It's a mix of amateur meditation and self-affirmations and can be used as needed.
My goal in creating this episode is to offer you something you can reach for whenever your are lacking patience and acting out of your weakness. Head to the 2 min 1 sec mark to start your guided Mama Moment.
If you love this accessible tool, please let me know by sending me a message and writing a written review! My goal is to serve you and if this does the trick, I will make it a regular part of the podcast. I can't wait to hear from you!
All the love,
FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mamainspiredcollective
IG: @mamainspiredpodcast
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
14 // Part 2: Exposing the Hidden Truth of Early Miscarriage with Erica Seifert
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Two chicks chatting and swapping early miscarriage experiences continues. This common, yet stigmatized and lonely loss is exposed! Today we discuss the physical symptoms and recovery, the raging hormones, expectations around spousal coping, why this loss is misunderstood, and the blessing/ curse of our motherly connection to growing life.
Please note we are not doctors and be sure to talk with your provider as to specific questions regarding your own care.
Do you know someone who could benefit from this episode? Please share if so! Our mission is to encourage mamas to seek connection and choose not isolation in such a difficult and misunderstood time.
All the love,
Want to share your own story? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVgRxfI1Y5oqzxcPgp6yCAC8eQ1xDDUtdWT2OXylKNqRWPwg/viewform?usp=pp_url
FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mamainspiredcollective
IG: @mamainspiredpodcast
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
15 // What You Wish You Knew -a Birth Trauma Story with Megan Rothenberg
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
We all dream about the moments of finally meeting, smelling, kissing, holding and connecting to the we've life created, outside of our womb. Megan Rothenberg was robbed of those magical moments due to the insensitive and impatient provider on call the night Nora, her first babe was born. Today Megan share's Nora's traumatic birth story, the moments that haunt her to this day, what she wishes she'd known then, and a message to other mama's who may find themselves on this healing journey.
What we want to drive home on this episode is that knowledge is power. Know that you have control over your body and that there are always options. Empower yourself, educate yourself, and create a birth plan that is your version of beautiful.
Do you want to share a story through your own journey in motherhood? I want to hear it! Click HERE to fill out the Guest Interview Application! I can't wait to connect!
Want to share your own story? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVgRxfI1Y5oqzxcPgp6yCAC8eQ1xDDUtdWT2OXylKNqRWPwg/viewform?usp=pp_url
FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mamainspiredcollective
IG: @mamainspiredpodcast
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
16 // FREE Fear Workshop P1: Fear Get's a Facelift
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
I am guessing 2020 was a tough year for you too, filled with anxiety, fear of the unknown, uncertainty, and feeling a loss of control. Add on any personal stressors in your life, struggling to conceive, working to adopt, grappling with an altered birth plan, stressing over your baby's milestones or fretting about the future of COIVD, and we find ourselves attached to an outcome that's out of our hands, living our days driven by fear.
Well I've got some exciting news for you, we're about to walk into 2021 empowered by our new vision of fear, joy, and our truth. Today we are kicking off a free Fear Workshop and slapping a new face on fear. In this workshop you will learn fear's purpose, weaknesses, and the importance of your relationship. You will learn to acknowledge, listen, and discern your truth from the exaggerated reality of your fear. You will learn that fear can be expected and adopt practices that will encourage you to choose joy above it all.
*Today's homework*
I want you to name one fear your facing right now. You don't have to dissect anything right now, just become aware of your response and relationship to this fear.
Do you associate certain colors with your fear? Does it cause a physical response? Then I want you to I want you to think about how it is impacting you in a day. When it creeps in, how do you respond? What are the trail of thoughts that follow ? Do you take any kind of action, big or small when you feel it? How often does this fear come around ? If you say things to yourself like, " I just have to…" in response to this fear.. What is this action you feel is going to help or feels necessary?
Did you love today's episode? Please let me know by leaving a review and sharing it with a friend who could use a new perspective or a good laugh :)
All the love,
The letter to fear by Elizabeth Gilbert can be found in her book, Big Magic.
The example of joy from Jay Shetty can be found in his new book, Think Like a Monk.
FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mamainspiredcollective
IG: @mamainspiredpodcast
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
In part 2 of our fear workshop, we are going to learn more about the purpose of fear and how it works, especially around uncertainty, the unknown, and when it feels we've lost control. We are going to really get to know our fear, how it responds to our knee jerk reactions, and what it needs from us so we can work to create a relationship that is supportive.
I believe the more knowledge we have around anything, specifically today our fear, the more we understand it. When we understand something or someone, we can act out of compassion and with intention. Both parties benefit and more good comes from this cohesive relationship.
Today I will uncover the 4 characteristics of our fear- the good and the bad, and then ask you to really get to know your own fear and what it's asking of you. Our intention isn’t to just overcome our fears, but to make sense of them and find joy through following our truth.
If you're loving this workshop, please let me know by leaving a review and sharing the podcast with a friend. Someone else, maybe your friend needs to hear this too. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
All the love,
Your mission is to 1. Break down your fear, understand it's origin, discern what it's asking of you And 2: Get to know it, discern your truth, decide if it warrants positive actions or if it requires your surrender and faith.
- Your'e creating something that looks a bit like a flow chart. Write down that big fear we identified in part one of the workshop, then strip it down.
- Ask yourself these questions that further dissect this fear, underlying fears, and fear origins. What am I actually afraid of? Where do I recognize this fear from before? What is the outcome I fear will impact my life?
2. Now go back through those underlying fears you identified in your flow chart and ask these questions of each:
- Is it imaginary, superficial, or cause for concern and immediate action ? Is the outcome I fear, something I really believe in? Can I do anything to alter the outcome? Could I overcome this outcome? How does it affect my life and my access to joy right now? What do I value most?
FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mamainspiredcollective
IG: @mamainspiredpodcast
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
I hope to inspire the heck out you today with the power you hold and with a story that reminds you that joy is not based on circumstances. Today we are taking our new vision of fear from Part 1 and our new understanding of our fears from Part 2, and we're implementing practices that will help you anticipate fear, curate joy, and fuel your gratitude.
So many of our moments spent in joy are chosen. We must choose to put fear to rest, surrender, have faith, live in gratitude for the blessings and the beautiful moments, to cherish the NOW we are living in. I'm about to teach you how to do just that.
That does it for our Fear Workshop. I hope it was beneficial and I can't wait for your feedback. If you have questions, hit up your girl! Send me a DM, email, or catch me in our Private Mama Inspired- The Collective FB group.
All the love,
Here is the episode from The Awakened Pregnancy Podcast with Kate Caddle. I highly recommend for those struggling in their conception journey, and who want to have a magical pregnancy experience. You will love her!
FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mamainspiredcollective
IG: @mamainspiredpodcast
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Can you imagine deeply loving a child who calls you Mama, while having to remind yourself that it could all be ripped away at any moment? Today we are honoring National Adoption Month and hearing from Lindsay Laster as she shares the beautiful, yet traumatic truth of being a foster parent and about the journey to adoption.
From the CPS home visits, grounds for kin unification, handing over your child to strangers, your options when it comes to the CPS case worker, fighting for the best interests of the child, to the moments when you finally can breathe knowing this child you've fallen in love with is all yours, Lindsay's honest conversation is one you have to hear if you are considering adoption.
Lindsay shared some of her favorite resources for you below. If you are feeling called to foster or adopt or know someone who is exploring this path to parenthood, please share this episode! It means the world!
All the love, Sarah
Lindsay's Resource List:
Do you want to share a story through your own journey in motherhood? I want to hear it! Click HERE to fill out the Guest Interview Application! I can't wait to connect!
Want to share your own story? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVgRxfI1Y5oqzxcPgp6yCAC8eQ1xDDUtdWT2OXylKNqRWPwg/viewform?usp=pp_url
FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mamainspiredcollective
IG: @mamainspiredpodcast
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
20 // You Were Made for This ! A Mindset Motivation Cure for Self-Doubt
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Today you get a pep talk from yours truly! After self-doubt had almost ruined my day, fate stepped in and reminded me that nothing that insists on growth is easy. The goal, the challenge, the endeavor, the new biz you have decided to pursue is meant to change you and so it will be hard. On those days when you want to quit, remember it's a test. Can you push through, keeping in mind that on the other side of that hard are milestones and life changing moments?
Let's shift your mindset and keep you on this journey you set out on, because Mama… you were made for it.
This episode is meant lift you up, remind you of what you are capable of, and that self-doubt is your fear talking. Please SHARE! We all have these moments and we all need a pep talk from time to time.
All the love,
FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mamainspiredcollectiv
IG: @mamainspiredpodcast